Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 1- Introductions

Hello everyone!!

My name is Savannah Uri and I am a Biochemistry major in my junior year at Southern Virginia University. I do play soccer, but my favorite hobbies include playing the piano, backpacking, hiking, scuba diving, crossfit, and reading. I am basically a nature freak if you can't tell. I plan to serve a mission and then return for my final year of my undergrad. I've got hopes to go to medical school and become a pediatric surgeon. And yes, I would probably sleep in an oreo.

Among my many science classes, I decided I wanted to add a Social Psychology course. As a project for this class- I have chosen to do simple observations on the girls that I live with. The following blog posts will be explanations of my observations. The purpose of this project is to have a more acute view of the relationships between teammates who live together and spend a majority of time with one another.

To preview, throughout the following weeks I will be doing things such as:

  • Going through a day not speaking (or as little as possible)
  • Chatting all day about senseless "fluff"
  • Smiling excessively
  • Try to start minor arguments 
  • Etc.
Along with simple things like stated above, I will just write down observations of things that my roommates do. Depending on the action- I may add my own personal experience to what happened as well. 

Sounds pretty interesting, right?

Well, I hope you said yes. Because It's time to introduce my roommates.

Tatiana Monsen

This here is my good pal Tatiana, or Tat as I typically call her. She is my roommate. So basically, we sleep together... don't worry- not in the same bed, just the same room. She is a senior, psychology major and a star soccer player for the Knights.

She is obsessed with the TV show Grey's Anatomy, and is on the hunt to find her McDreamy.

When asked the following questions, this is how she responded:

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Are you confrontational or non-confrontational?
Are you good at keeping secrets?
Yes (with a so-so head shake)
Do you get upset if people tease you?
It depends, like usually I can take it but sometimes I don't. 
On a scale of 1-10 how much do the emotions of the people you live with affect you? 5
On a scale of 1-10 how much do your emotions affect the people you live with?7
What is your favorite thing about living with Reilly?
She cleans
What is your favorite thing about living with Kora?
Never a boring moment
What is your favorite thing about living with me?
Can always make me laugh
Would you sleep in an Oreo?
Are you serious? No. 

Kora Jewell
This here is my pal Kora. She is a junior here at SVU, and is an FCD and Psychology double major.
She loves Cheetahs and jingle bell earrings. She's outgoing, fun, and loves to flirt ;)

When asked if she would answer the following questions, she refused. She isn't too keen on me doing this for my project, so basically she refuses to be any "active" part of the assignment. Observations will be done anyway. (Is that rude?)

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Are you confrontational or non-confrontational?
Are you good at keeping secrets?
Do you get upset if people tease you?
On a scale of 1-10 how much do the emotions of the people you live with affect you?
On a scale of 1-10 how much do YOUR emotions affect the people you live with?
What is your favorite thing about living with Reilly?
What is your favorite thing about living with Tatiana?
What is your favorite thing about living with me?
Would you sleep in an Oreo?

Reilly Andersen

Now this here is my pal Reilly (the one in the middle). She is awesome- she is a firework from Mesa, AZ who absolutely hates the snow. She is a senior, second oldest of 10 kids, and a FCD major. She absolutely loves chewing ice (Honestly though, we will hear her at like 2am crunching out in the kitchen). She loves kit-kats. And she loves to laugh.  There is a specific snapchat filter that she is slightly obsessed with.r (I'll attach a video haha). And she believes that she is kind of a lost cause- she doesn't know what she is doing with her life.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Intro... I think
Are you confrontational or non-confrontational?
Are you good at keeping secrets?
Uhhh, for the most part yes. If they are big secrets, yes. If not, it doesn't really matter. And I cave, so I kind of screw myself over with that. 
Do you get upset if people tease you?
Umm, It depends- most of the time I have gotten used to it so it doesn't matter as much. I'm like "It doesn't matter". I have developed that over time, because sometimes I take it way too personally than I should. 
On a scale of 1-10 how much do the emotions of the people you live with affect you?
Ohhhh- um, it would probably be like a 9
On a scale of 1-10 how much do YOUR emotions affect the people you live with?
Ummm, I will give it an 8. 
What is your favorite thing about living with Tatiana?
She's always someone that is easy for me to talk to about things, and kind of just open up with. It doesn't happen as often anymore because we don't share the same room- but it's nice to be able to just talk to her. Also, she's got all the hookups. 
What is your favorite thing about living with Kora?
She is a louder voice, so she makes things more lively. She is the source of "all that happens". With her, more people do come over to our apartment and she needs that- and it helps me out. She makes things unexpectable- you never know what you're going to get. 
What is your favorite thing about living with me?
With you, I can completely trust you- very non-judgmental and awesome. You're funny, you can cook, even the way you say things are funny... you're nice, you are my "dishes partner". We keep this place running! You're our peacemaker- our balancer- our buffer. 
Would you sleep in an Oreo?
Would I sleep in an Oreo? Like the cookie?... I would if I could sleep in the cream!

Week one was fairly successful. I'm looking forward to what the rest of semester will bring.